I went to see Richelle Mead today!! I went to see Richelle Mead today!! Yes, you heard right! I went to see Richelle Mead today! Okay, sorry but I was really excited to go see her, besides the fact that this was my first author signing, Richelle is a really awesome writer!
Anyway, the trip today went something like this. I picked up Laci around 11:15, she takes a long time to get ready, so I had to wait around until she straightened her hair. So we didn’t actually leave until around 11:35, but that is okay, I know she takes forever so that was why I picked her up early.
The drive there was pretty uneventful, which was fine with me. We drove approximately 140 miles to Ann Arbor. It was about 2 hours and 10 min. I even found the book store right away! Thank you Garmin. Speaking of my Garmin GPS, Laci and I named the it, Susan.

We made it to Nicola’s Books a little early, so we got to look around in the store. Which is pretty nice by the way! I even found a signed copy of Ironside by Holly Black for five dollars! Can you believe that and it was the hardcover! Laci hasn’t read Richelle’s books yet, so I bought her a copy of Vampire Academy and Frostbite, so she could get them signed. I also got another copy of Frostbite signed so I could give one away here, and a copy of her adult paranormal series Succubus Blues, which I’m very excited to read! We killed time looking around the store waiting for 2:30 to roll around.They had an area set aside for Richelle and some chairs for people to sit in. Well, as we were browsing we looked over and who would happen to be there, but Richelle, so we ran over! Okay we didn’t really run, over because I was a little nervous/excited! But we did make it over and took our seats and Richelle signed our books, and told us to stay and hang out if we wanted. Of course we wanted to!

We meet some other cool readers as well! Shout out to, Jenny, Hayden and Julie! It was an intimate setting which was very nice. We actually got to talk to Richelle about her books and other YA vampire books. She is very nice! And she has beautiful red hair!
We hung out with Richelle for an hour and then she had to go... so we went off to grab a bite to eat. We asked Susan (GPS) if there were any Quiznos around, mmmm Quiznos! And she found us one about a mile away. Too bad it wasn’t opened and looked like it was possibly out of business. I remembered there was a bagel place over by the book store that looked pretty good, so we headed back over there, well that place closes at 3! So we settled for McDonald’s. While we were waiting on our order this lady came in and returned her huge bag of food, basically ripping the employees a new one! I try not to complain at the food service workers, because I know the job stinks. Anyway we should have listened to the lady, because they totally messed up our order!! Good thing I wasn’t really in the mood for McDonald’s. I will say that they did have a really nice bathroom. With a big "M". GO BLUE!
And that was it for our adventure! We made the 140 mile trek back home and I pulled into my drive at about 6:30. I can't begin to tell you how very cool Richelle is, if you ever have a chance to go see her, go!

I’ll be having a review for Frostbite up soon! You can check out my review for Vampire Academy. As I mentioned before, I did get a signed copy of Frostbite that is up for grabs! I’ll be posting the specifics of the contest tomorrow! And don’t forget I’m still giving away three signed copies of Frenemies by Alexa Young!!!