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Author Tales: Heather Brewer

The author today, for this rendition of Author Tales, is none other than the fabulous Heather Brewer! Heather Brewer is the author of The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd: Eighth Grade Bites and The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd: Ninth Grade Slays. You can check out my reviews here. I can't wait to read her next book!

As an author, I get asked a lot of questions about what it's like to be an author and how someone can get my job. My inbox overfloweth with wonderment and awe at how someone can write stories and get paid for it. As a first step, I generally direct the questioners to this blog post I wrote a while ago:

It takes a lot of work to be an author--hard work, work that no one but you is pushing you to do. And it seems that many people have it in their heads that authors are all wealthy (not even close--I think my checking account has around twenty-four bucks in it right now), own lavish homes (I rent a townhome), travel to exotic parties to rub elbows with other famous authors (well, some of us are lucky enough to hang with cool authors at social functions, but they aren't exactly high brow affairs with champagne and black ties), and generally living the good life. They don't realize that most days, I'm in yoga pants or jammies and a comfy t-shirt, my hair in a haphazard ponytail, glaring at an open Word file for five hours because the words just WON'T come. Oh yeah. Glamour to the extreme.

It is a fun job, but it's just that: a job. It's work, and some days are easier than others. Some are harder. But I do it, because I love it.

The key is to look past what you think an author's life must be like and see if you can imagine writing fitting into the life you already have. If you just have to write, live to write, MUST write...then you're already a writer.

I'll see you at the next black tie affair. ;)

A huge thanks goes out to Heather for stopping by! If you haven't read her books yet, I suggest you grab a copy and get crackin'!