If you haven't heard Amy from My Friend Amy is hosting Book Blogger Appreciation Week, September 15-19. I have the button on my sidebar, but I never posted about it, because I seriously thought I had no chance with all the blogs out there. Well, Amy announced the finalists today, and low and behold... under "Best YA Lit. Blog" was none other than The Story. I just about.. well I was VERY surprised to say the least. And FLATTERED beyond all belief! I had no idea, really! I just want to thank everyone, who must have nominated me! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!
Now that I'm nominated, would you mind voting for me!?! There are some very other extremely awesome blogs that I am competing against, (The Book Muncher, Bookshelves of Doom, The Page Flipper and Presenting Lenore) so I'm not expecting much. I'm just happy to be in the running with these other blogs! I can think of so many other bloggers that I would love to see up there or even up there in my place. But now that I'm in the running, Please Vote for Me! And thanks again!! I still can't believe it! I'll be on a high for days!
And I wanted to thank Amy for having such an awesome idea!