I first read Gone by Micheal Grant back in January. I had gotten an ARC of Gone through the Harper Teen First Look Program. It was actually one of the first ARCs that I had reviewed here at TSS.
I thought it was a great novel. You can even read my review here, although it was one of my earlier reviews, my style was a little different back then, but I think it was still a good review regardless.
To my surprise I received an email earlier this week, stating that my review was going to be used as part of the marketing campaign for Gone over in the U.K.!! I was speechless! On top of that the campaign also includes an advertisement that will be displayed on phone booths! They are supposed to look just like the image posted to the right! You might not be able to see it, but there is a quote from the Stephen King and then under that quote see those five stars... well guess what is says under those five stars... The Story!

How insanely cool is that!? There are supposed to be on the phone booths starting April 8th! I wish I could fly over and take a picture!
There will also be a free e-book of Gone available April 8-22! I'll be sure to post a reminder with the website on the 8th for all those that are interested!
This is a phenomenal boost to The Story, and really all book bloggers. I know I would not have gotten this attention without all my followers/readers/fellow bloggers, this means a lot to me, and I'm so thankful for all your support