I'm not one to enter to many contest, because usually I don't win, and I like to let other people have a chance, especially when I already have a copy of the book. But this contest is too good to pass up even for me!
You can win $10,000 and a complete Harlequin TEEN prize pack, including a copy of Intertwined, My Soul to Take, Elphame's Choice, an Intertwined t-shirt and a My Soul to Take t-shirt! Now that is awesome! Think of how many books you could by with $10,000! HA!
If you post this widget on your blog or other social networking site, you also get an extra chance to win the Harlequin Teen Prize Pack! So, feel free to steal this one and post it!
Don't forget to sign up for my own Harlequin Teen contest I have going on!