Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine
Release Date: June 2, 2009
Publisher: Nal Jam
Age Group:Young Adult
Pages: 241
From: publisher
Interest: series
Other Titles in the Series: Glass Houses, The Dead Girls' Dance, Midnight Alley, Feast of Fools & Lord of Misrule
Buy the Book: Amazon
In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace—until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He’s kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants—the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?
Three words; thrilling, fast-paces & addicting.
The Morganville Vampire books are unlike any other vampire books out there. With a lot of vampire type romance books to choose from, The Morganville Vampire series is a whole lot more. Sure you have a little bit of the romance aspect going on, which for me is something I really enjoy, but it's also an action packed, thriller full of suspense and mystery. I mean you never know what is going down in Morganville, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
The characters are awesome, I want to live in the Glass house! Rachel knows how to weave an awesome plot line, she's always able to pull a fast one on me, even when I think I have the story all figured out. If you're looking for a different kind of vampire story, the Morganville Vampire series, might be just what you are looking for.
For now, I'm going to go dig into Fade Out, the next novel in the series!