Fresh Face Friday is a look at some new bloggers around the blogosphere. I have some Fabulous Fresh Faces to share with you this week! Here are my fresh face finds for this friday:
Zombie Girrrl of Crackin' Spines & Takin' Names. Zombie Girrrl reads mostly fantasy and supernatural, but mixes in a good deal of contemporary fiction, all YA. She also has a zombie rating system!
Jessica of Eat Sleep Dance Read. As well as a passion for reading Jessica also has a passion for dancing! As well as book related elements, she also likes to include dance in her blog as well.

Kerleisha of Collegiate Bookworm. Kerleisha is a college student at Emory University who absolutely loves to read, especially YA novels.
Mik of I Am Nonfiction. Mik is a teenager who's grown up with a love for reading and writing. Her favorite authors are John Green and Libba Bray and her favorite genres are fantasy, Paranormal, Comedy, and Romance.

Ari of Reading in Color. Reading in Color is a blog that spotlights YA fiction about poc (people of color). Ari noticed a serious shortage of books being reviewed about teens who looked like her (latino and/or African American) and teens of other nationalities (Asians and Native Americans) so she started this blog to try and help fill the void. Ari is a half Black, half Latina teenager in high school. She loves reading, blogging, listening to music, dancing, and traveling. Some of her favorite books are A Wish After Midnight by Zetta Elliott, Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher, the Hoopster by Alan Lawrence Sitomer and In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez.

Sandy of Pirate Penguin's Reads. Sandy is a college student who has a nerdy obsession with books. When she's not reading, she writes, sketches and hangs out with friends. Not to mention, how cute is a Pirate Penguin!
That's it for this Friday's Fresh Faces. There are more great blogs to come. If you'd like to be spotlighted on Fresh Face Friday just follow the link.