Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
Release Date: January 4, 2011
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 488
Source: ARC from Publisher
Interest: Debut Author
Challenge: 2011 Debut Author Challenge
Buy the Book: Amazon
In the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees. . .
Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what it is, though, isn't easy.
Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place--and out of place, at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.
As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make--between honesty and deciet, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?
I read this book back in October... and I've been dying for it to be released to other people could bask in it's fabulousness!! I have to say that in the midst of all the 'angel' themed book hitting the YA market right now. This one is my favorite! (of the ones I've read so far...)
Let's talk about how wonderful this book is, shall we?
I was so glad that Clara knew she was angel. This isn't a story of a girl discovering an she's part angel... even though I initially thought it was because the synopsis I read said "When Clara Gardner leans she's part angel..." at least the one above says she "recently learned"... but I think both of them are a little misleading. Yes, she's recently discovered she's an angel, but I think the novel is about much more than that. I mean you could totally take out the angel part and it could easily be a novel about a girl choosing between her heart and her duty. Except the angel aspect makes it so much more awesome!
Hand's writing is so very easy to read, it seemed like I had just turned a few pages, when actually I was a few hundred pages in. And if her descriptions of Wyoming do not make you want to pack a bag and jet-set to this beautiful area, I think you might be a little bit crazy.
Clara is a character you are going to like. Despite her angel-i-ness she is very much a normal teen girl. Insecure, smart... she underestimates herself, but I think that is what made me like her. She's the type of character that you'd want to be friends with. And the boys. I can' fail to mention the boys. Totally DID NOT see some of that coming, I don't really want to give to much away... but whew. Watching the relationships develop between Clara and Tucker and Christian was probably my favorite part of the novel, especially the slow, sweet relationship between Tucker and Clara. Awwww. I probably shouldn't have said that! These boys couldn't be more different... and I'm very interested to see how it's going to play out with all the developments at the end.
Speaking of developments at the end... there are quite a few. There is some resolution, but we also get an open can of worms... a big can. There is definitely more to this angel business than what Clara is privy to, and I'm interested in finding out what exactly it is.
Unearthly is a perfect blend of realism with a supernatural twist, not to mention a unpredictable plot line and a beautiful love story. Everything that I want in a story and more. Can't wait to be captivated by the rest of this series.