Welcome to In My Mailbox! You can find official information like how to participate, why it was started and other goodies about IMM on the IMM Page.
I need to send a HUGE thank you, to all you IMM participants for putting up with all the craziness this month! I've really missed doing my IMM vlogs and I was hoping that I might be able to do one today, but it's not going to happen. However, it WILL be back next week! AND I'M SO EXCITED!!!
I got back from NYC yesterday evening, and I have so much to catch up on! I had a wonderful time at NYC and BEA and I'll hopefully work up some type of wrap-up post about my experiences there for all of you who are interested.
I can say without a doubt that I had a WONDERFUL book week this week, and I hope that you did too! I'll see you next week!
Happy Reading!