The YA Connection is a collaborative column collected by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group. Also, Kristi and Steph hold weekly contests accompanying the column, as well as a book and author spotlight.
If you're a blogger, author or publicist looking to have your links added, please email me. Any book donations for giveaways are also greatly appreciated. Please note that the spotlights are not up to suggestion, but rather decided by both Kristi and Steph.
This week the official YA Connection can be found at Reviewer X and next week it will be back here at The Story.
Don't forget to head over to Steph's blog Reviewer X and sign up for this weeks contest. Paper Town, need I say more! The secret word(s) this week are lolly gobble bliss bombs. For all the information on how to enter head over to Reviewer X!
These wonderful people stopped by The Story and commented this week! I would personally like to thank all of you! So, THANKS!
Lenore of Presenting Lenore.
Lindsey of A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts.
YA Book Realm of YA Book Realm.
Tempestt of Tempatt.
Alea author of I Heart You, You Haunt Me.
Book Chic of Book Chic.
Amee of The Chick manifesto.
Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.
Carmen T
Book~Adorer of Book~Adorer Forever Reading.
Tasha of And Another Book Read.
Chelsea of The Page Flipper
Lana of A Hoyden's Look at Literature.
Ladytink_534 Movieholic & Bibliophile's Blog.
Chelsie of Read, Read, Read.
Khyrinthia of Frenetic Reader.
Maggie Stiefvater author of Lament.
sharonluvscats of Sharon Loves Books and Cats.
Breanna of B is for Books.
Liviania of In Bed with Books.
Shooting Stars Mag of Shooting Stars Mag.
cat of Beyond Books.
Meredith of Meredith's Musings.
TruBlu93 of Starry Night.
Maria of Bookalicous.
A.S. King author of Dust of a 100 Dogs.
Mo of Un-Mainstream Mom Reads.
Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf.
Hylianvampire of Hylianvampire.
simply_megan of Simply Books.
Taylor Morris author of Total Knockout: Tales of an Ex-Class President.
Carol of Bookluver Carol's Reviews.
mari of Mari Reads.
C. Leigh Purtill author of All About Vee.
Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane.
Diana Dang of Stop, Drop and Read.
PJ Hoover author of The Emerald Tablet.
Kelly Para author of Invisible Touch.
Cyndi Touchie
Bookworm of BookWorm Readers
Gabbi of All Five Stars.
Heather of What Was I Reading?
Em of Em's Bookshelf.
Steph of Reviewer X.
Chick Lit Teens of Chick Lit Teens.
The Bookworm of Au Courant.
Carrie Ryan author of Forest of Hands and Teeth.
Evie S.
In Other News

Banned Book Week starts today. I'll be posting about it later in the week. For more information on Banned Book week check out the ALA website.
The panelists and judges have been picked for this years Cybils. Cybils stands for The Children’s and YA Bloggers’ Literary Awards, and we’re still the only book awards of any sort from the blogging community. Starting Oct. 1st you will be able to nominate your favorites. For more information go, here.