Following the really entertaining show chatting with The Story... Julia Hoban author of WILLOW was so impressed with the comments about her and her book from the YA bloggers and readers that dialed in or asked questions that she has agreed to be a guest on "A Book and a Chat"
OCTOBER 9th - 7pm (EST) a "Book and a Chat with JULIA HOBAN" when Julia author of WILLOW is my guest (45min show)
Dial in to chat Number is 347- 237-5398 or just visit
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Across-the-Pond and join in the question and chat

Melissa Walker did her first NPR story over at All Things Considered. It's a piece on 3 books about Fashion. Yay! Head over there and check it out!

Check out another interview on Blog Talk Radio, next Wednesday September 23rd at 3 pm EST with library maven Nancy Pearl and Lizzie Skurnick, Jezebel contributor and author of SHELF DISCOVERY: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading. Here’s the catalog page.
You can call or write into the show with a question, and if you do, they'll send you a copy of the book as well.
It is really important that you subscribe to Blog Talk Radio before the show begins. You will need to do this in order to call in or write in with a question. Here is the link to register. Once you’ve registered they can participate. Here’s the information about the show.
Check out this list of 100 Best Blogs for Book Reviews!
We want to give you a chance to ask your fave authors anything and everything you want during our annual Blogfest, which is going on now!! I'm serious—from 9/21—10/4—authors including Ellen Hopkins, Scott Westerfeld, Rick Yancey, Holly Black, Lisa McMann, L. J. Smith, D. J. MacHale, Kate Brian, etc. will answer fan questions submitted by teens (YOU!) ahead of time through the Pulse It board. What are you waiting for? Get your blog on!