Week of September 26- October 2, 2009
The YA Connection is a collaborative column that was originally started by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group.
Author Musings:
Jennifer Hubbard (The Secret Year) blogged about finding your own unique writers voice.

Anastasia Hopcus (Shadow Hills) revealed her cover!! So pretty!
Maggie Stiefvater (Shiver) announced that her novel Shiver will be made into a MOVIE! That is so very awesome! I only hope that they do the novel justice!
Jackson Pearce (As You Wish) got a PUPPY! Authors that have dogs are the coolest in my book.
This week was Banned Books Week, hosted by the ALA. Lots of authors weighed in on their opinions of banned Books; Carrie Ryan (The Forest of Hands and Teeth), Jennifer Hubbard (The Secret Year), Tera Lynn Childs (Goddess Boot camp), Lisa Schroeder (Far From You), & John Green (Looking for Alaska).

Chelsea Campbell (The Rise of Renegade X) revealed her cover! It's made of awesome.
Sarah MacLean (The Season) posted 9 Phrases that Don't Belong in a Recengy-set Romance. My favorite is: "I saw what she wrote on your Facebook wall, my lord. I know that you've poked her."
Melissa Walker (Lovestruck Summer) has a Cover Story about Positively by Courtney Sheinmel.

Help Daniel Joseph save Shrinking Violet!
Also, Cybils nominations are open, so don't forget to nominate your favorites!
Blogger Blurbs:
Nicole of Word for Teens reviews Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. "As a theater nerd, may I proclaim my utter and undying love for this book?"
Megan of Simply Books reviewed Once was Lost by Sara Zarr. "Sara Zarr did a good job with minimizing the narrative sermons and made it a book about Sam's faith, rather than trying to convert the reader."

Just Blinded Book Reviews reviewed How it Ends by Laura Wiess. "I’ve never read a book before that moved me so emotionally and has made me cry that hard."
Flip the Page! Book Reviews reviewed Secret Society by Tom Dolby. "What i really liked this about this novel was the great balance of mystery and romance and family situations."
The Compulsive Reader reviewed Forest Born by Shannon Hale. "However, in Forest Born, readers will be blown away by the suspense and surprising plot twists that make for a harrowing and gripping read that will make you doubt the outcome of the story."

Steph Su of Steph Su Reads reviewed Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall. "Honestly, not enough interesting and horrifying things happen to justify the number of pages it takes to get to the sadly rushed ending."
Khy of Frenetic Reader reviewed Tricks by Ellen Hopkins. "Though it takes a while to get to the really intense part of the story, there are plenty of twists and turns along the way."
Yan of Books by Their Cover reviewed Cashing In by Susan Colebank. "I needed less chit-chat, droning, and more character building, further details with Gabe, and some much needed karma."
Harmony of Harmony Book Reviews reviewed Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith. "The characters were plain boring. I did not find anything intriguing about them and found myself rolling my eyes at them several times."

Sharon of Sharon Loves Books and Cats reviewed Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. "I found Patch to be arrogant, rude, and obnoxious."
Kate of The Neverending Shelf is hosting a Secret Santa this year! If you'd be interested in swapping gift, head over to her site to sign up!
I reviewed: Night Runner by Max Turner, Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle & Nothing but Ghosts by Beth Kephart.
In Other News:
PAYA: Bringing (More) YA to PA was announced.
Richelle Mead’s tour went so well, she’s doing another, smaller tour in November and the fans get to decide where she goes! You can vote by heading over to the Vampire Academy website (www.vampireacademybooks.com) and voting for the city of your choosing. You only get to vote once, so choose wisely.
Teen Read Week Tribute!
Do you love Teen Read Week? Let it out at your blog through a post or vlog, then send the link to readergirlz@gmail.com. Put in the subject line: Your name, TRW Tribute. We’ll collect contributions and post them at the rgz blog in a 24 hour time span. Tell us about your recent release, or a book you love dearly, and then give a shout out for Teen Read Week. The tribute will run October 23rd!

rgz Read Beyond Reality!
We are ready to Read Beyond Reality with YALSA, rgz! The divas will host nine young-adult authors—eight of whom are nominees for the Teens’ Top Ten—throughout Teen Read Week. The week’s chats will culminate with an online gala celebration, where Sylvia Engdahl, a pioneer in young-adult science fiction, will be hosted and honored for her contributions to the literary landscape. Watch for signed book prizes and swag from iHeartDaily.com!
- Monday, Oct. 19: Beyond Imagination with rgz diva Justina Chen Headley (NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL), Alyson Noël (EVERMORE) and Zoe Marriott (DAUGHTER OF THE FLAMES)
- Tuesday, Oct. 20: Beyond Hardship with rgz diva Lorie Ann Grover (HOLD ME TIGHT), Elizabeth Scott (LIVING DEAD GIRL) and Lynn Weingarten (WHEREVER NINA LIES)
- Wednesday, Oct. 21: Beyond Daily Life with rgz diva Holly Cupala (TELL ME A SECRET), Lisa McMann (WAKE) and Cynthia Leitich Smith (ETERNAL)
- Thursday, Oct. 22: Beyond Our World with rgz diva Melissa Walker (LOVESTRUCK SUMMER), Cassandra Clare (CITY OF ASHES) and Patrick Ness (THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO)
- Friday, Oct. 23: Into Our Beyond with rgz diva Dia Calhoun (AVIELLE OF RHIA) and pioneering YA sci-fi author Sylvia Engdahl (ENCHANTRESS FROM THE STARS)
rgz welcomes New York Times Bestseller Libba Bray!
In October we are also psyched to host Libba Bray as our Divas’ Choice. We’ll discuss THE SWEET FAR THING and all things Gemma. Feel free to chat about related topics all month at the rgz blog. rgz LIVE! with Libba will be held on October 28th at 6 p.m. Pacific/9 p.m. Eastern. Join our celebration and enter the realms this month, rgz!
Attention all tween girls in the NYC area!
The Amanda Project is the first series that invites tween girls to become a part of the mystery and contribute their own stories and ideas! Come celebrate the publication of the first in the 8-book series - Invisible I - and launch of The Amanda Project!
Hear author Melissa Kantor read from the book and talk about writing collaborative fiction.
AND, in the spirit of Amanda, we're also taking submissions from tween girls who aspire to be writers! Have your daughter send her latest piece of fiction (up to 500 words) to events@theamandaproject.com, and we'll pick a select group of writers to read at the event!
For more information:
Gilda’s Club New York City, a cancer support community named for the late comedian Gilda Radner, launches its inaugural Teen Essay Contest NEW YORK – ( September 28, 2009) – Are you a high school student who has been impacted by cancer? Gilda’s Club New York City is launching its inaugural “It’s Always Something” Teen Essay Contest to provide high school students with a forum for sharing their stories about living with cancer. Teens may submit an essay about the experience of their own cancer diagnosis, a family member or friend living with cancer, or the loss of a loved one to cancer. Celebrity Judges include Alan Zweibel – Emmy-winning writer and close friend of Gilda Radner, Matthew Zachary – Founder of I’m Too Young For This! Cancer Foundation, William Sherman – Pulitzer Prize-winning writer for New York Daily News, and Tonya Hurley – author of the NY Times best-selling “ghostgirl” novels.
More than 70% of teens have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis yet teens are often an overlooked audience, especially regarding cancer prevention and dealing with the social and emotional needs brought about by cancer. Nationwide, 25% of families with a cancer diagnosis have children under the age of 18. “Our primary objective is to provide a forum for teens, grades 9-12, to share their experiences with cancer and more importantly, raise awareness of the issues teens face when they are living with cancer. By partnering with local schools and community organizations, we are hoping that our inaugural ‘It’s Always Something’ Teen Essay Contest will open the door for teens to express themselves and provide an opportunity for our community to hear what they have to say about life with cancer” says Lily Safani, CEO of Gilda’s Club New York City. Essays must be postmarked by
Friday, October 23, 2009. The contest is open to all high school students who are legal residents of the 50 states or the District of Columbia. Subject to official rules available at: www.gildasclubnyc.org. Or write: Gilda’s Club New York City, c/o "It’s Always Something" Teen Essay Contest, 195 W. Houston St., New York, N.Y. 10014. The essay winner will receive a $250 Apple gift card. A ceremony for all participants will be held at Gilda’s Club New York City on January 14, 2010.
About Gilda’s Club New York City
Gilda’s Club New York City creates welcoming communities of free support for everyone living with cancer – men, women, teens and children – along with their families and friends. Our innovative program is an essential complement to medical care, providing networking and support groups, workshops, lectures and social activities, all free of charge.
Feel free to fill in your contest info in the Mister Linky.
Please use the Mister Linky as instructed.
Your Name: Put your prize here.
Your URL: Put a DIRECT link to your contest.