Tempestuous by Lesley Livingston
Release Date: December 21, 2010
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 368
Source: ARC from Publisher
Interest: Series
Other Titles in the Series: Wondrous Strange & Darklight
Challenge: None
Buy the Book: Amazon
"I don't love Sonny Flannery."
That's the lie Kelley Winslow told to protect the boy she loves from a power he doesn't know he possesses. Devastated, Sonny retreats—to a haven for Lost Fae that's hidden deep underneath New York City.
But Kelley's not about to let things end in heartbreak. To get Sonny back, she's got to find out who's after his magick—and how to use her own. She's got to uncover who's recruiting Janus Guards to murderously hunt innocent Faerie. She's got to help rebuild the shattered theater company she called family. And she's got to do it all without getting dangerously distracted by the Fennrys Wolf, whose legendary heart of stone seems to melt whenever he's around Kelley.
I was really mad about the whole "I don't love Sonny Flannery." thing, because really I just wanted to read about Kelley and Sonny sharing some lip action. Luckily there is still some hot lip action going on... and Sonny isn't the only one getting some, if you know what I mean...
This is such a marvelous series. Livingston is a brilliant writer... her stories really are a work of art, sometimes I get lost in her descriptions. And I mean that as a compliment.
I think this was probably my least favorite of the series, I still enjoyed reading it, but there was something missing that the other two novels had. Or maybe I just should have re-read the other two books first. Usually I'm great at remembering an entire series even with the gaps in between, but I was a little confused at times durning this novel. And I was a little confused at the build up of Sonny's powers... what happened with that, one minute he's tied to a tree... the next he's riding Lucky... does he still have his powers... did they just dissolve...? I think I was a little disappointed with the climax. The plot was a little slow in the beginning but the last hundred pages were hopping!
That being said, I delighted in this one last adventure with the characters that I had grown to love throughout the series. And even though I am Team Sonny all the way, I couldn't help but develop this soft spot for Fennrys during the last two novels... felt a little sorry for the guy.
I'm going to miss this series.
And this doesn't have anything to do with the literary merit of this book. But I LOVE the covers for this series! How GORGEOUS is that cover novel. I think she's the perfect depiction of Kelley.
Tempestuous was an entertaining end to a beautifully written series. My advice, buy all three and read them one after the other! I'm very much anticipating Livingston's next novel!