The Story is About [Search results for Jennifer Lynn Barnes]
Smart Chicks Kick It Tour!
NYC Day Four (May 27) or Second Day of BEA!
Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
YA Connection: Week of Oct. 25-31, 2008
New Reads: May 8-14, 2011
Book Event: Smart Chicks Kick It in Lansing!
Books to Pine For!
Bookish things you should mark on your calendar (and attend!)
Smart Chicks Kick It Tour: Recap & Giveaway
Author Interview: Lindsey Leavitt & Giveaway
YA Connection
In My Mailbox (19)
New Reads: June 6-12
New Reads: June 12-18, 2011
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink
In My Mailbox (18)
In My Mailbox (145)
Books to Pine For (49)
Books to Pine For (32)
In My Mailbox (81)